Call Upon God


Psalm 145:18 – The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.

We all need a friend with us to celebrate our successes and to hold our hand through the difficult times. We want someone to be there whenever we need them and who can be relied upon to stand by us unconditionally. We all have a friend whose unconditional love never changes. He shares our burdens and stands with us through our troubles. He advises us and protects us. This friend is God.

God is there for anyone who calls out to Him in truth. This means we have to: open our hearts in repentance and let God in, believe in Him, and to practice His word in obedience. Seek for His will to be done in your life and obey Him. He has the best plans for you. Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Share your troubles and your joys with Him and He will be there for you. Place your complete trust in God because He is the only one who will never fail you.

Dear Lord, I call on you as my Friend, my Father, and my God. Hold my hand as I walk through this path you have chosen for me. Let me not falter from it but lean on You and trust You in Your plans for me. I know that You love me and know what’s best for me. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers and for blessing me with your presence. Amen.


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