Commendation: God and His Word of Grace


Acts 20:32—And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give.

Commend means ‘to recommend’ in old English. Luke wanted to commend the preaching of the gospel to the whole world. When Christ was leaving his disciples, He commended them to God and His providence, and to Christ and His grace.

1-What does Paul ‘commend’ and to whom?
We are given a commission – through Christ, we have received the gospel of the grace of God, and are entrusted to preach it.

2-“What will become of us? How do we go about this commission? How do we handle our difficulties? How do we provide for our families?” – these are the common and practical questions that come to our mind.
We must look at God, for our divine direction and influence, with an eye of faith for all our perplexities. Meanwhile, Paul also begged God to look on us with favour for: providence,  protection and care. “Whatever you want, go to God, let your eye be ever towards him, and your dependence upon him, in all your straits and difficulties; and let this be your comfort, that you have a God to go to, a God all sufficient.” Even if we separate ourselves from all else, when we have God near us, we have more than enough.

3-Paul also commends us to Christ and “to the Word of God’s grace”. It is Christ in the Word who is near us to support and encourage us.
** The Word will edify us: We need to depend on, keep close to, and derive from the Word daily.
** The Word will glorify us: The Word of God’s grace will give us an inheritance as those sanctified – born again, and on whom God’s image is renewed. The Word gives the Promise of God and by it we receive the Spirit of grace, the seal of the promise. Thus, it secures the inheritance – Heaven – right to all the heirs.

Jesus gave the disciples an assurance – He would be with them always to the end of the world. Paul advises us to: Take hold of that Word, and God will give you the benefit and comfort of it, and you will need no more. You will receive God’s relief when you act on your faith based on the promises of the Gospel.
