God has Overcome


John 16:33 – “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

This is one of those Bible verses that isn’t very comforting. Jesus cautions that we WILL have trouble in this world. Everybody on the planet goes through trying situations – pain, loss, sickness, suffering, disappointments, and frustrations. But unlike the rest of the world, we are not without hope. We are not fighting our battles alone.

The Lord is our commander in chief. He has gone before us in battle. Jesus won the war against sin and death on the cross. He has already overcome every evil. We are more than conquerors because the victory has already been won, with no effort from our end. What we need to do now is, remain overcomers and stand in the freedom that Christ purchased for us by His blood.

So, when we’re in the midst of trouble, what should our response be?

•  We can acknowledge that no one is exempt from difficulties in life.

•  We can be of good cheer, knowing that Christ has already won the war.

•  We can choose to be at peace, completely trusting that God is with us and He will deliver us.

When you think you can’t do anything to change your situation, remember you can always pray. The Lord listens to every word you utter and even the ones you don’t. He is with you in the storm and He will guide you safely through.



  1. Devadass
    11 Jan 2019 07:14:34 Reply

    Iam so happy at last lord shown me a way by my church to explain the biblical verses everyday, thank you Pastor, you have taken so much of time & energy to publish this in the e-book

  2. Ravi Kumar
    13 Jan 2019 03:30:17 Reply

    This is a very good a way to learn something new everyday opens the door for us to analyze and look at our problems in a different perspective we can always expect god to open up super natural doors every time theres a problem

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