Jesus, the Child born and a Son given


Isaiah 9:6:  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

The birth of Jesus was foretold by the prophet, Isaiah.  A child was born and a son was given to the world.  Jesus was both a man and God.  The scriptures tell us that Jesus was born through Mary as a baby.  The scriptures also tell us that God gave us His son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.  He was both a child born as well as a son given.

Jesus was born to set us free and give us hope.  He would love to rule our life if we hand it over to Him.  The government upon His shoulders means that He will be the Lord over us.  Isaiah wrote this prophesy about 600 to 800 years before the birth of Christ.  He hoped for hope in a hopeless and devastating situation.  He hoped that someday hope would come to Israel through the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ.  He said His name shall be called Wonderful because He is so full of wonders and is lovely and pleasant.  His name is also called as Counsellor because He advises and counsels us as and when needed.  He is the Mighty God.  He is the Everlasting Father.  He will remain our Father forever.  He is also entitled as the Prince of Peace.   He will give us peace amidst any kind of troubled situation.

When God rules our life, our life will be so full of wonders.  Allow Him to be the Lord over your life.  When He directs and guides your path, you will never ever lose your way.  Let the peace of God guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
