
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. Psalm 148:1 

The power of praise is immense. We praise what we believe to be truly worthy. Who else could be worthier than our GOD? The heaven sings HIS praises, shouting HE IS WORTHY. Yes indeed, our JESUS is worthy of all our praises. 

It is truly a privilege to be worshippers of a praiseworthy GOD. HE has always shown us HIS steadfast faithfulness. If we ever are overcome by grief and stress, we must look to HIM with praise. One will truly wonder at the amazing benefits that are attached to praising GOD. 

When we praise GOD, we remove our attention from the greatness of our problem and fix our attention on the greatness of our GOD. Praising GOD enables us to dwell in the unfathomable power of our GOD. It so happens that, when we are faced with challenges or deadlines we sulk into anxiety and fear, instead of rising against our odds with Praise and worship. It is true that our weapon against the adversary is the praises we sing to our GOD. 

So on this blessed Sunday, let us rejoice in our troubles, let us sing in our tough times, let us PRAISE our HOLY ONE with every breath and all the strength, for we know our GOD will turn mourning into dancing. AMEN. 




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