We will lack nothing.


“O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him” Psalm 34:9 

These lines from Psalm 34 were written by David the shepherd boy, after he pretended to be insane, before King Achish of Gath. As we know, David was on the run from his very own land and from his own King Saul. But David did not fear his situations before foreign kings , nor the armies of King Saul that were constantly looking out for him. Rather, he reverenced GOD. 

The word fear in this psalm means Reverence, and Reverence is not just respect. It means to show deep respect and honor. True reverence is humble and coupled by genuine worship. Psalm 34 is an example of reverence of David towards GOD. What would we do if we were constantly being looked out for being killed or harassed, and had to pretend like a madman  in order to save ourselves from being killed by a foreign king in a foreign land? Would we write a Psalm of faith and goodness of GOD as David did? Or would we fear and panic in the moment and proclaim that our faith in GOD has not been honoured? 

Reverence and genuine worship builds fear of GOD. and when the fear of GOD is in us, we will lack no good thing in our life. We can see in the life of David, as to how he was exalted by GOD in becoming king David. So trust and fear GOD alone, your needs will be met at the right time. 



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