Where Does Your Help Come From?


Psalms 121:1-2–“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”

It is admission time in some schools. Some people are so frightened or terrified about school admissions. Have they thought to leave the school admission, like other parts of their life, to God? Have they done their part – got the child’s name in the enquiry lists and left it in God’s Will? Otherwise, are they looking at their contacts, friends, and their other means to procure a seat for the child in the “school of their dreams”? Admission time is a trying time for parents. ‘What if- the child doesn’t get in; fees have gone up; the old school doesn’t release the deposit; the child doesn’t clear the test?’ Many what-ifs. But why? Are our decisions and life routes decided by us or guided by the Holy Spirit? Do we do all we possibly can and finally end up in desperate prayer? Is God only a ‘go-to’ in times of trouble, or is He our Father who we thank every day for what He provides? If we have an ongoing relationship with Him, faith overcomes fear. We will rely on our Father. Our Father made the heavens and earth. How easy is it for Him to show us the path He has laid out for us? The tricky part is not ‘if we will get blessings’, but ‘if we are ready to be obedient’ to be able to pick up the already-available blessings on the God-given paths.

Father God, help me keep my eyes on you everyday. When I encounter trials, help me come to you first. Thank you for your guidance and work in everything I am and do. In Jesus name… Amen.

Challenge: Will you say “thank you God my provider” and see what happens when you hit the next tricky spot?
