Category: Daily Devotion


God, The Restorer of My Soul

Lamentations 3:24 – “The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I hope in Him.” In verse 17 of Lamentations 3, the prophet says that he has been deprived of peace. Unfortunately all of us have gone through some hardship; have been afflicted; have been mistreated; suffered emotional harm; and have similarly been deprived of […]


God The Great Judge

1 John 4:17 – “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgement; because as He is, so are we in this world.” When we continue to abide in God and make it our decision to remain in His Love, His love is then made perfect in […]

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Remain in Love

1 John 4:16 – “And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” There is a striking difference between love and hatred, and they are absolute opposites. One produces joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, […]

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Praise God Constantly

Psalm 108:3 – I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples, And I will sing praises to You among the nations. We, as children of God, have had experiences of God’s greatness in our lives and therefore we can stand testimony to His goodness. Be it sickness, persecution, trials, or poverty, God through His unchanging […]

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Overcomers Through Christ

Romans 8:37 – Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:35 talks about the difficulties, trials, and tribulations we go through in our life on Earth. It says that nothing can take us away from God’s unchanging love. In this scripture, Romans 8:37, the Bible tells us […]

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God’s Unchanging Love

Romans 8:35 – Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword As a child of God, we are not exempt from difficulties or trials on this Earth. During our lifetime, no matter how strong our faith and belief in God, we […]

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God is Good All The Time

Exodus 34:6 – And the Lord … proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth All through the Bible, we see God’s character through His actions. In this scripture, God Himself declares to Moses some traits of His Character. God is full of kindness and compassion towards us, […]

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God’s Loving Kindness

Jeremiah 31:3 – Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore, with loving kindness I have drawn you. Our God is a God of love. He has unconditional love for us – His children – no matter how many times we fail Him. God could easily reject us for failing Him, instead, He draws […]

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God’s Covenant and Mercies

Know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him … Deuteronomy 7:9 This scripture reminds us that God is faithful to keep His covenant and mercy for a thousand generations. But there is a condition. This applies to […]

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He Calms the Storm in Me

Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, And He brings them out of their distresses. He calms the storm, So, that its waves are still. Psalm 107:28-29 We all go through trouble at some point in our lives. Right now, the world is going through one of the most troubled times in […]

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