A Purposeful Walk


1 John 1:7

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

‘Let’s go for a walk,’ said the father to his little daughter. She excitedly readied herself, and they went off. They didn’t wander around much, for the route was definitive. It was an activity they often did where the father was mindful of the daughter as she kept close to him.

Similarly, when we walk with the Lord or in the Lord, it has got to be purposeful. It is not just about wandering in His presence or skimming through the pages of the Bible. Rather it is being deliberate, willful, and conscious of how we handle the Word. We need to plan our time with the Lord, be determined about it and appreciate it. What’s the point if the father had to drag the daughter for the walk? Would they both have enjoyed it?

We need to understand that walking is an ‘activity.’ As mentioned in the Word, it’s great to have faith, but faith without works is dead(James 2:26). Walking requires you to take conscious steps, to move forward. Walking in the darkness is very different from walking in the light. To have a vision is very different from being aimless. Praise God for His Light that directs, informs and impacts our very being.

Now imagine this father and daughter walking and simply ignoring all around them! Fellowship is very important in the life of a believer. God Himself created man so that He could fellowship with him. Rick Warren says, We are created for community, fashioned for fellowship, formed for a family. Charles Spurgeon mentioned, Anything which can divide saints from one another, Satan delights in. E. Radner puts it beautifully when he said, ‘there is no private Christianity.’

Beloved, as you walk in the Lord, may His Light shine bright through you and radiate to be a blessing in the lives of those with whom you fellowship.


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