A thankful heart


2 Samuel 22:50:  Therefore I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the gentiles, and sing praises to Your name.

David thanked God for His protection over his life.  David spent a part of his life running from one cave to another, being pursued by Saul.  God was faithful in protecting David.  David was anointed a long time back to be the king of Israel, but he never ceased having enemies in his life.  He was thankful though, to God who never failed him.

Anointing does not mean that we will be trouble free or free from all kinds of worries and tension.  We must not fail to realize that it is because of the anointing, we are safe from our oppressors.  God’s word says that a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right side, but it will NOT come near us.  Yes, even if terrors strike all around us, none of them will do us any harm.  God will keep us safe.  His anointing over us will do the job of protection.  When pressing and hard times choke us or make us feel hopeless and discouraged, we have to put up our head and say that God is with is and that He will not allow anything or anyone to oppress us.  As long as we are in the world, we will be buffeted by evil things, but God will not allow us to be defeated.

Therefore, let us give thanks to God and sing His praises.  Let us declare what God has done among our colleagues, family, etc.  Spread God’s kindness and love because it is only because of Him that we are up and about.





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