Be made whole


Mark 10:52 – “And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.”

Bartimaeus was just another blind beggar lining the streets of Jerico. But he stood out from the rest of the people because he just wouldn’t remain silent. The minute he knew Jesus was passing by, he made a huge hue and cry, pleading with Jesus to have mercy on him. The people around him tried to hush him, but he would not remain silent. He continued to cry out until he had caught Jesus’ attention. Jesus then turned around, spoke to him, and healed him completely.

What is interesting is the phrase Jesus used, “thy faith hath made thee whole”. Bartimaeus was not whole in his body because he could not see. While we may have 60/60 vision, there are parts of us that are not completely whole. Perhaps it is a past memory that haunts our mind, or a weakness in the body. Is it a gaping emptiness in your soul that no amount of work or entertainment can fill? Here’s some good news for you: Jesus can make you whole.

God did not create you to live a partial life. He wants you to live an abundant life. The key to be whole again and live the life God planned for you is faith. Do you truly believe that Jesus can fill your emptiness? Can you say without a doubt that the blood of Jesus has washed away all your past sins and hurts? Do you trust God when He says that His strength will be made perfect in your weakness? Have faith in Jesus, and be made whole today!
