Complete Satisfaction


Matthew 5:6 – “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

What is it that you truly crave? Some of us have food cravings and we suddenly desire a juicy burger or an ice cream. While we may be able to satisfy those cravings by visiting the nearest fast food joint, it’s not something that leaves us satisfied in the long run. In today’s verse, Jesus speaks of hunger and thirst… but for righteousness!

Do any of us honestly crave righteousness, like we crave recognition, appreciation or a particular achievement? The Lord covers us with righteousness when we repent of our sins and turn towards Him. Our own righteous acts may be like filthy rags, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t attempt to live a life that glorifies God’s Name.

When we truly desire to please God through our lives, we won’t act legalistic and self-righteous. But we will be submissive to the Holy Spirit and receive complete satisfaction while we rely on the justifying righteousness of Christ. God does not say those who hunger and thirst for righteousness ‘may’ be filled. We ‘will’ be filled! If we truly desire something, we won’t rest until we achieve it. And so it is with righteousness. Let’s strive to be more dependent on God, renew our minds continually, and live in favor with God and man.



  1. Prakasham
    29 Jun 2018 19:49:48 Reply

    Being in this world, most of us we have weakness for earthly desires and crave for the same. Lets pray that God grant us wisdom to crave for righteousness

  2. God's begotten
    30 Jun 2018 00:35:13 Reply

    Amen bro.Let us pray..for God is only who will take us out from us and will fill us with Him

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