Don’t be selfish


Philippians 2:3:  Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

We should always consider others better than ourselves.  We cannot always be right and don’t force people to accept you as Mr. or Ms. Right.  Allow others to speak about what they feel on issues that are important.  We have to be good listeners whenever it is needed.  We are not authorized to voice out what we feel like everytime even though we may seem right.  Never put down others.  Always respect and value people in your life.

People in your life can be anyone.  It can be your spouse or your boss or your in-laws or a spiritual minister or even a person of low cadre.  God puts people in our lives for a season and for a reason.  Don’t be so busy that you are not able to listen or value others’ opinion and thoughts.  Don’t do anything in strife or conflict.  Be peacemakers always.  Don’t be too proud of your achievements or rather don’t be selfish and do something just to get yourself a name and a position in the society.

Be humble and accept people in  your life just as how God accepted us.  God accepted us even though we are imperfect and have so many flaws in us, didn’t He? Let us have the mind of Christ in us always.  Be quick to forgive.  Stop finding faults in others.  Instead, let us clear the log out of our own eyes first.  Develop the spirit of humility and kindness.  Let God’s love be seen in our life.

