From generation to generation


He will also bless the fruit of thy womb. Deuteronomy 7:13 KJV

Building a legacy of blessings, power and character for the generations to come, is an indispensable part of God’s plan and promise.
In a world full of challenges and impossible circumstances, God declares His blessings, power to direct men and women of God. No matter what lies before us, God’s promises allows us to see beyond circumstances. Men and women of God, begin to experience the abundance that God pours unto their lives when they are rooted in His word and His will. Now let us take an example from the Bible to understand what it means to have faith (faith in God’s word) in a God who gives abundantly.

Most of us know the story of Abraham the faithful, Who was more faithful than Abraham? He was convicted and certain that he will inherit all that God promised him. Verses pertaining to Abraham read- “and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 KJV, As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Genesis 17:4 KJV. These verses speak God’s generational blessings on men and women of God. The word of God have several such generational blessings.
“He will also bless the fruit of thy womb. Deuteronomy.” 7:13 KJV is one of them. This verse emphasizes on how God not only gives women the strength to bear and conceive but ensures the fruit of their womb will inherit God’s blessings. Let us make an effort to understand God’s plan for all generations and pass the baton of faith.


One Comment

  1. Dhiraj kumar udokudo
    23 Jun 2018 09:38:27 Reply

    Praise god for his blessing in our life . I wanna share how my family blessed . My mom gave birth to two daughter .my whole family were happy and joyful when my first sister was born but when she gave birth to 2nd daughter all family stated screaming on my mom her joy turn in sorrow. She was in full depration when she got to know that she is pregnant for 3rd time . She didn’t found joy but she scared however she didn’t give up she prayer to God and cried for baby boy. God answer her prayer who is writing and sharing her testimony to all of you . Due 7:13

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