God is your protector


Psalm 16:8:  I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. (KJV).

David loved God and God loved him back.  He was, of course, a man after God’s own heart.  David had set the Lord always before him.  God was at his right hand and so David was confident that he shall not be moved.  He trusted God as his first-hand help.

While some people prefer to keep God as a secret in their life, there are still others who prefer to boldly confess the Lord Jesus.  David declared that he “always” set the Lord before him.  He put God before him always.  Allow God to take control of your circumstances, whether happy moments or sad.  Let God be placed before your family, before your relationship, before your job, etc.  Do not let a single day go by without setting God before what you own.  When we constantly and deliberately have this practice of setting God before us every day, our minds will be filled with what God can do for us.  We will never be defeated or moved when we have Him at our right hand side.  Having God at our right hand side is like having someone close to us to our defense.  We will stand our ground with God on our right side.

No situation is too strong for God.  Nothing can defeat us or put us to shame when we have set God always before us.  God will protect and always help those who depend on Him.


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