God Longs to be Gracious


Isaiah 30:18 – “Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait for Him.”

All of us are used to waiting. We wait for our coffee or tea to brew in the morning. We wait for food to arrive at the restaurant. We wait for the cab or bus to reach our stop. We wait for the signal to change at the junction and the traffic to start moving. We wait for people to show up or complete the work they’ve promised. But did you know the Lord also waits?

The King of the universe, Creator of the heavens and the earth waits… so that He may be gracious to you! He longs to show you His grace and favor. Sometimes, it looks like God isn’t working on your behalf. He seems silent when you’re in turmoil. You may be tempted to think God has forgotten about you or He doesn’t care. That can’t be further from the truth.

The Lord Jesus Christ cares for you. He longs to be gracious to you. He knows exactly how to help you and when. God is always on time. In the meantime, you are developing faith, patience and endurance as you wait on Him to work things out. Don’t be discouraged. Keep trusting the Lord and seek Him. Your waiting is not in vain. God will show up for you and He’ll shower you with His abundant mercy and grace.



  1. Ramakrishna
    26 Sep 2019 10:17:21 Reply

    Even though nothing is favorable in and around me I will trust my ABBA Father because He is good to me and you all the time. His love is agape love. My God is good enough to show His unending love to us.
    In troubles He strengthens me and us. In temptations He protects all of us. In trails He guides us. Yes indeed, He comforts in all our griefs. He waits patiently to all of us to turned Him.

  2. Praveen Kumar Dass
    26 Sep 2019 15:29:33 Reply

    When we wait upon him he will deliver us from anxiety, impatience, sin, doubt, unforgiveness, to hope, faith, truth, prosperity, abundance, patience, Praise God for today’s word from Holy Bible.

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