God’s Dwelling Place in Us!


John 14:23

Jesus answered and said to him, if anyone loves me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

Our God desires to make His home with us. This is the most beautiful aspect we find in today’s devotion. For Lord Jesus to come and stay with us, we need to love the Lord Jesus. A loving relationship needs to be established and nurtured between our Lord and us.

When we love lord Jesus Christ:

  1. We will obey and keep His word!
  2. God will love us!
  3. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit will come to us!
  4. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit will make their home with us!!!

How can we ensure that we love Him everyday? How can we make time with God in our daily routine when we have so many other everyday responsibilities and distractions?

  1. Spend time reading His Word, meditate on Him and learn the Word.
  2. Schedule time with God for prayer. Prayer time is the time when we communicate with Him and hear His voice.
  3. Listen to and sing songs of praises unto Him whenever possible. Fill your heart with joyful worship unto Him.

In any relationship, the more time we spend with the  person, the more like them we will become. Our God is a loving God, who simply wants time with us. He has a plan and a purpose for our lives. Cast all your cares and worries into His mighty hands. We will eventually see Him staying and working in our homes.


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