His Peace, Our Calm!


Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27(NIV)

We live in a world that seems to be becoming increasingly restless. The global peace index states – “the world is less peaceful today than at any time in the last decade”. However, our Lord Jesus Christ assures us of His peace during times of unrest. People interpret “peace” as the absence of conflict or turmoil. But the peace our Lord Jesus spoke of is not the absence of crises but rather the calm of heart during such times.

Amid extreme chaos and all the disturbing things life can throw at us, God’s peace gives us the strength to endure and keep our composure. It is our inner certainty that God will act to help our situation.

God’s peace calms our hearts and causes us to be at rest. Our worry and anxiety give way to faith in the Lord.
If we constantly dwell on what’s wrong with the world, we might quickly grow angry and discouraged. Instead, let’s decide to act by what God’s word says- we can choose to live in God’s peace and not be fearful.

This calm assures us that God’s plans and ways for our lives are the best. Peace gives space for our hearts to know and understand that God will lead us to resolve our problems. He will calm the waters and the storm. We will not be overcome or overwhelmed.

Let’s remember He has given us His peace.

One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    18 Sep 2022 04:36:39 Reply

    Praise God Pastoral team in the love of our Lord Jesus.
    Thank you for comforting word of God. In the midst of restless world. God grant me peace that no one else can give. His grace is enough for me. I cast all my fears, anxieties, worries burdens unto to His Holy feet. Thank you Lord for your agape love and mercy. I submit and surrender unto you. In the mighty precious name of Lord Jesus i pray. Amen

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