Intimacy with God


That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
Ephesians 3:17 KJV

For some reason, intimacy with God happens on a sunday, while reading the bible, while praying or serving the Lord at our churches. Needless to say that the above are the foremost important aspects of a christian life, our actions seem to mean otherwise.

Our heavenly Father is a relational God, who desires to be personally involved with us in our daily lives. We all are so busy with our work, college and relationships in our lives that we battle between choosing God or choosing ourselves. This often happens the moment we wake up every morning, the act of surrendering the rest of our day to the Lord, having to consult the Lord or talk to Him other than a sunday is never a part of our schedule. It’s ironic how we fit God into our schedules whereas it should be the other way round. It’s strange how we all seek independence from God and struggle with dependency elsewhere.

Let us not forget that, Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches, those who abide in Him will bear fruit. For those who abide in His words and His words in them, their will shall be met according to the riches of His kingdom. Dear friends, our heavenly Father is a loving God He wants nothing but the best for His children, for the very same reason He gives the best that comes from Him alone. Matthew 6:33 says seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. Let us seek the Lord in faith and be grounded in His love.
May we seek the Lord and invite Him into our hearts, May His living presence surround us always!


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