Practicing God’s Qualities


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” Ephesians 4:32

Paul wrote Ephesians to strengthen and encourage the believers of Ephesus in their walk with God. He explains the nature and purpose of the church, which is unity in the body of Christ. In this verse, we’re reminded of the profound power of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. It is a call to reflect on the grace that God has shown us through Christ’s sacrifice.

On the contrary, the world we live in promotes retaliation over reconciliation, personal interest over kindness, and apathy over empathy. Our society sees kindness and compassion as weaknesses, but the Bible says the opposite. Luke 6:35. Kindness demands loving everyone, including the ones who are not easy to love and the ones who are not easy to forgive.

We wonder how in the world we can imitate this verse, “Be kind to one another, compassionate, and forgiving others,” in an ever-growing hostile environment. How can we practically exemplify these qualities for one another in our own lives?

We could explore many reasons why Paul encouraged us to exercise these qualities. However, the fundamental reasons are: 

Firstly, we must exemplify Christ in our lives. I John 2:6

Secondly, we have a choice to show God’s love. Revenge is an easy choice to make, but God commands us to show love. John 15:12–13

Thirdly, we remind ourselves of our mission. Ephesians 2:10

What can we do as our immediate action steps to be obedient to His word and practice these qualities?

  • Identify one person in your life who could use an act of kindness today.
  • Take a moment to pray for the ability to empathise with others’ struggles.
  • Reflect on any unresolved conflicts and consider taking a step towards forgiveness.

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