Praise God in the Storm


“Therefore I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the Gentiles, and sing praises to Your name.” 2 Samuel 22:50 NKJV

Today’s verse is taken from a chapter that’s entirely dedicated to King David’s song of deliverance. David proclaimed the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from his enemies. David was in tremendous distress – pursued by his enemies and surrounded by calamity. But the Lord rescued him and caused his heart to overflow with gratitude.

It’s natural to thank the Lord when we’re in a good place – after we’ve come out of a difficult situation. But praising Him during the storm takes a bit of practice.

The truth is that no matter how messy our life may be, God’s grace and faithfulness sustains us. Even if He hasn’t brought about the breakthrough, we can still praise Him for who He is and for the strength He’s given us to endure the trials.

People tend to blame others when things don’t go their way. But as children of God, we’re called to trust Him in the mishaps of our lives. You can raise a Hallelujah in the middle of your storm. Let the roar of your praise drown out the crashing of the waves… because the Lord Almighty is in your boat! He will deliver you to safety and grant you peace in the process.


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