Prayer-A Devotion


Colossians 4:2

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

When someone is looked at as a ‘devoted husband/wife,’ it means that the person is very focused on their family, their duties towards their family and their role in the family.

In this verse, we are called to devote ourselves to prayer. Prayer should not be just a repetition of words or a rhythmic sound/movement. It is much more than that. It is a depiction of your love, loyalty and enthusiasm for the Lord. The lockdown has been a great time to analyze what we really are devoted to or about. Deep down, what does our heart long for-the binge watching/the relaxed life? What holds the place of loyalty in our lives-exercise/work/movies? What excites us-the lifting up of the lockdown/the slowed-down life of the lockdown itself?

Are we able to confidently say that we have devoted ourselves to prayer more than ever at this time? Or is prayer something that is just a task, an activity set for a specific time of the day?

Beloved, the Lord wants us to have a lifestyle of prayer. Prayer is communing with Him. While it’s wonderful if you can set aside a specific time to read the Word, also find time to study it, to dissect it word by word and ask the Lord for His divine revelation. Dedicate a few minutes to praising and worshipping Him and if possible, sing of His praises whenever you can. Resolve to meditating on His teachings. Irrespective of your situation and circumstances, choose to lift His Name above it all. The true essence of prayer is our absolute surrender and dependency on the Lord. Letting go of ourselves, so He can take hold of us. Are you ready then, to let go and let Christ Jesus take hold?


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