Real Help


Salvation belongs to the Lord. Your blessing is upon Your people. Psalm 3:8

In the vast fields of life, much like a farmer cultivating his crops, we embark on our journey with a vision. Yet, mere visions are not enough; it’s the tireless physical and emotional effort day in and day out that brings forth the true blessings.

As a farmer tills the soil, plants seeds, and nurtures his crop with sweat and determination, there’s a parallel in our lives. The joy doesn’t solely reside in the eventual harvest, but in the companionship of those who join us in the toil, be it family, friends, or unexpected helpers. In the vast expanse of God’s family, many are called, but few choose to be the hands that soil themselves alongside others.

Reflecting on Psalm 3:8, we find David fleeing from his own son’s betrayal, his throne in jeopardy. In the face of danger, David turns to the Lord, seeking help. The Lord doesn’t turn away; instead, real help unfolds, bringing blessings and unwavering confidence to David and those standing with him through adversity.

Similarly, amid our challenges, as the new year unfolds, old stories persist. Yet, we are reminded that God knows our struggles, and He stands as our true helper. In moments of difficulty, maintain unwavering faith, continually praising Him. Amen.

This serves as a reminder that God’s assistance is real and unwavering. Just as a farmer finds joy not only in the harvest but in the shared toil, our journey is enriched by acknowledging God’s presence in our challenges. So, as you navigate the fields of life, remember that God is your real helper—have faith, praise Him, and experience His blessings.


One Comment

  1. संदीप मसीह न
    05 Jan 2024 23:21:53 Reply

    yes, He is the creator, He formed is with his mighty hand and give gis breath to live a blessed a life under hus supervision……. now this is the time focus on HIM as He knows everything and everything in his Hands….. only we have to trust HIM whole heartedly…whatever comes inour life….. He is there for us…… as He created same in his image….. thank you Lord for our salvation through your beloved son जीसस क्राइस्ट……… आमीन आमीन

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