Choose to Sing Praises


“Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.” 1 Chronicles 16:9-10 (NIV)

Letting the everyday duties, commitments, and anxieties that fill our fast-paced and sometimes hectic lives overtake us is familiar to some of us. We tend to overlook God, who deserves our highest praise and attention.

Today’s scripture encourages us to sing to the Lord, to glorify Him, and to proclaim His wondrous deeds. God is the creator of the universe, the origin of all kindness, the giver of all good gifts and the sustainer of our life. Therefore expressing our gratitude for the Lord’s faithfulness fills our hearts with His presence and offers us the confidence to face any situation.

It takes a conscious decision and a sincere desire to get to know the Lord and to seek His presence. We must put aside time daily with the Lord through singing, praising, worship, prayer, and reading His Word. Yes, Lord is always with us, not only during our set times for prayer or worship. Yet, these routines strengthen our relationship with God and provide room for the activity of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Regardless of our circumstances, we must fervently pursue Him.

Today, let us count our blessings and recollect the miracles of God’s faithfulness. We are sustained daily only through the Lord’s generosity, mercy, and love. Seeking God’s presence is a daily journey rather than a one-time event. As we go closer to God, He will get closer to us.

Let’s begin and end our day with singing praises to our Lord and King



  1. cecily Joseph
    21 May 2023 17:52:52 Reply

    praise the Pastor Johnson
    I am a catholic nun serving the Lord in Orissa among the Adivasis. I am blessed by your messages which I love to listen. pray for me as I desire full-time preaching and ministry.

    • Bethel Team
      21 May 2023 18:19:25 Reply

      Dear Sister Cecily,
      Thank you for serving the Lord by ministering to the Adivasi people in the Orissa. Praying that the Lord’s will be done in your life as you desire to serve Him further.
      The Daily Devotion Team.

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