Spread the Gospel!


Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done. Psalm 9:11 (NIV)

The physical representation of the presence of God was the Lord’s ark. It was housed in Jerusalem when this psalm was composed. David uses this as a symbolic representation of God “enthroned in Jerusalem”. God is for His people as a solid fortress; therefore, David, in response, asks the people to sing praises to the Lord in gladness.

Even in trying times God’s children must remember that God is firmly established. Nobody can oppose or stand in the way of God’s will. The Lord is always merciful. David exhorts the people of God to share the story of the Lord’s amazing deliverance of His people from Egypt and the miraculous provisions He made for them in the wilderness.

Psalm 9:11 revealed to us our higher goal in life; We must declare that our God is our Savior and that He is just, fair, and upright “among the nations.” Our zeal for evangelism manifests how in awe of God and His atoning grace we are. Jesus Christ died and rose again to save everyone to Him because He loves everyone and cares about them (John 3:16). God’s love is not for a select few; instead, we must share His love with every nation, even the far reaches of the planet.

Let’s dedicate our lives to sharing God’s love with people around us through our actions, words and lifestyle.
“Therefore I will praise you, Lord, throughout the nations” – is our call to proclaim the good news.


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