The Blessing of Open Heavens


Romans 5:8  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


God loves you!!

He’s not an angry God who is waiting at the corner of every bad turn to punish you.

The Holy Bible says, “The LORD is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.” – Psalm 103:8

Yes, He is a God of infinite love! In fact, He loved us so much that He created mankind in His own image… and gave us free will! He could have played puppet master and restricted our freedom, but He didn’t because He truly loves us.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they broke a covenant with God. Though we think it was mankind that lost the most on that day, it wasn’t so!

It was God who lost His most beloved creation! It hurt Him because He could not have a real relationship with humans anymore. He missed walking through the garden and hanging out with Adam and Eve.

Centuries passed, and the deterioration of mankind got progressively worse. Not that it hurt the people, but it hurt God that His children had forgotten their Heavenly Father.

That’s when God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to redeem mankind. It was the hardest thing that God had to do when He held back the powers of heaven and let His Son bear the sin of the world on the cross.

We are incredibly blessed to live in a time when the Lord Jesus has Opened Heavens for us to forge a real relationship with our Heavenly Father!

The Lord Jesus will soon return in great glory to take us home – to the heavens above! Until then, let’s hang on to the blessing of Open Heavens!


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    11 Jan 2020 08:22:46 Reply

    Yes, I am deeply depressed when my own children don’t listen to me. After all I am earthly Father provides limited necessities of life.But our Heavenly Father Jehovah Jireha provides anything and everything. How deeply affected, grieved for us a lot. Indescribable God’s love today yesterday and forever. His agape love is marvelous, amazing and wonderful. He is good..He is good.. now for everyone and evermore. Let’s give thanks to Him every young and old. Even infants do eventhough we can’t understand their lovely cute language, but understands.let’s encourage to one another to speak our Heavenly Father. Praise be to God all the glory and honour to Him alone. Because He derserves it. Hallelujah. Amen.

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