The journey from Darkness to Light


Colossians 1:13

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love.

Let us understand the context of why Paul wrote this scripture. Colossians were people from Colossae, the wealthy city, as it lay on a trade route, so people from all over the world would pass through. These people brought along their beliefs, creating a melting pot of ideas about faith. 

What exactly does the scripture mean when it says – He has delivered us from the power of darkness?

It means that He delivered us from:

  • our past sins so we can move forward every day 
  • fears – fear of failure, fear of death, fear of rejection, and fear of hell
  • the sting of death (1 Corinthians 15:55)
  • shame and guilt
  • bondage of bad experiences 

Darkness can be anything that keeps us away from the light and blessings of God. In today’s world, we see many people slipping into darkness unknowingly with no direction. However, those who are in Christ have dominion over darkness because He who is in us has defeated the darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of love.


One Comment

  1. Ame
    23 Sep 2022 22:01:18 Reply

    praise the lord for the living word of God for his words are our daily bread

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