The True Golden Rule


Luke 6:31 – “And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.”

Today’s verse is the inspiration behind the Golden Rule which is a widely accepted form of thought across the world. It basically says we are to treat others the way we want to be treated. If you want others to treat you with kindness and respect, that’s how you should treat them. It is indeed a good concept… but a look at the preceding verses gives us the true context.

In Luke 6:27-30, the Lord Jesus says:

• Love your enemies.
• Do good to those who hate you.
• Bless those who curse you.
• Pray for those who abuse you.
• If somebody strikes your cheek, offer the other also.
• If they take your cloak, don’t hold back your tunic.
• Give to everyone who begs from you.
• If someone takes away your goods, don’t demand them back.

By now, you’re probably shaking your head at such radical words. But isn’t this just what we need in the world today?

Humanity has become selfish and demanding. We all look to our own interests and ensure we’re not inconvenienced in any way. But the Lord Jesus Christ tells us to do the counter-cultural thing. Show love and compassion. Be empathetic. Forgive and don’t harbor bitterness.

Indeed, treat others the way you want to be treated. But even better still… treat others the way the Lord Jesus would treat them.


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