Unchangeable God


James 1:17 – “…and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”


Light is the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.

Shadow is partial or complete darkness.

Darkness is the partial or total absence of light.

Turning is to change or cause to change direction.


Our God created the Light, and He is Light.

Our God is always the same and never makes dark shadows by changing.

He does not change or cause darkness by turning.

In Him there is no variation or the slightest hint of change.

He doesn’t change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon.


Our God is unchangeable, He does not change.

Our God is perfect.

Our God is light, in Him there is no darkness.

Our God is good, in Him there is no evil.

Our God is the Creator and Giver of every good and perfect gift.

Our God is the Giver of Salvation and Life Eternal.

Our sinful human nature does not change who God is. Just as the clouds cannot change the splendor of the light generated by the sun, the moon or the stars – all of which are creations of our God, neither can our sin, or the evil that resides within us, change who our God is.

He does not change – period.  He can change who we are, and He can make us perfect, but nothing we can do, will ever change who our God is.

Thank God for He does not change! Amen!


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