What does praising God do to you?


Psalm 147:1:  Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely. (KJV).

Praising God is a good thing, it is pleasant and it is proper.  When some people have always questioned as to why humans should praise God, there are others who do not need any specific reason to praise.  For some, praise is automatic.  It just comes out naturally from their lips.  We praise God because He alone is worthy of it.

Praising God lifts our spirits, boosts our faith, delivers us from a dungeon-like situation, frees us from oppression, grants us deliverance.  Praising God takes us to a different spiritual dimension.  It allows us to see God in action in our life.  Praising causes our spiritual eyes to be opened and see God fighting our battles.  Praising God should not be a monotonous job.  It should spring forth from the depth of our hearts.  It is good and comely to praise our Savior.  When Paul and Silas were imprisoned, they sang praises to God.  Their chains fell off and they were delivered.  Never had such an incident happened in the history of that place.  God will turn around things in our favor like never before if we don’t give up but focus on Him in any given situation.

Putting a big smile on the face of our God is probably one of the best things that we could do for Him.  He is worthy of worship and praise.  We owe God a heart of gratitude for all that He has bestowed unto us out of His goodwill and pleasure.


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