When you’re almost losing heart


2 Cor 4:16

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.

Life has its way of throwing enough at us, that we lose heart, ever so often. Pressures so strong, that we feel like we’ve been crushed. Failures so real, that we want to quit and give it all up. Persecution so intense, that we question our own faith. Pain so severe, that it pierces the very depths of our beings.

Seems like we are continually knocked down, yet, somehow, we have reached thus far. We may have failed, but we haven’t quit yet. We continue to hold on to that one little ray of hope, called faith, faith in His Word, in His promises, waiting for Him to show Himself mighty and faithful. And as His Word declares-all things, including all of the above work together for my enrichment and profit, so that His glory is radiated in my life. Though it may look like it has severely affected me, it has only adversely benefited my spirit by strengthening my trust and faith in my Lord and Saviour!

In the realm of time, as life continues to bring forth its share of battles and storms, though it may seem like the outer person is slowly wearing out, our inner being is renewed and invigorated. Day after day, we train ourselves to not focus on that which is seen, rather meditate on that which is unseen. Oh, that He would open the eyes of our hearts to see Him and His Kingdom!!! That we would not be distracted or disillusioned by the things of the world, but would run the race of life with our eyes fixed on Jesus, the perfecter of our faith!


One Comment

  1. Sunashisha Nongrum
    22 May 2019 12:45:54 Reply

    Amen.. Jesus he is the only God he know each snd every weakness.. Just trust him he know how to show our way

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