With a Willing Heart


I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your name forevermore. Psalm 86:12

Jesus did not deserve the cross. Yet, he allowed the crucifixion because that was the only way to connect us back to the Father. While people around Him mocked Him and blasphemed against God, His love for us never changed. His mercy remained steadfast. Jesus willingly paid the price for our salvation. 

David knew his God was worthy of praise. The wonders of His creation, the marvels of His hands, and His justice – all praiseworthy. And he committed to praising God. Not when he had the victory or when all his enemies were defeated. David certainly did not wait till he wore the crown God had promised, but David chose to praise God. He willingly praised God. Praise that came from deep within. From the intimate relation, he shared with God. David declared his commitment to praise God with all his heart. 

David had the power and the authority to do his own will and walk the path he chose that could have given him a much more comfortable life. But he knew the road he took would reflect God’s presence in his life. It was David’s commitment to glorify God in everything he did. David was willing to take the longer and the more difficult way if it would glorify God.

In many ways, you and I are like David. We all have promises from God, and before handing over the promise, God will ensure that He prepares us and moulds us to be the best version of ourselves. While we are a work in progress in God’s hand, let us commit to willingly praising our creator. Let us sing out to God and tell Him that we will glorify Him forever. May He give us all the strength. 


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