You are chosen by God


Jeremiah 1:5:  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.  (KJV).

Jeremiah was chosen by God as a prophet to the nations before he was born.  God wanted him sent as a prophet and wanted him to know that that was his calling.  Those who trust God for His plan over their life will have a better and a secure future.

God calls us and gives us the required amount of faith to handle all the challenges.  Jeremiah was ordained by God but still life was not that easy for him when he spoke the oracles of God.  Jeremiah is often referred to as the weeping prophet by many Bible scholars because of the difficulties he went through in his life as a prophet.  Was he not ordained by God? Yes, he was very much chosen by God for His work but he still had to endure whatever came his way.  Similarly, even we who are anointed or filled in the Holy Ghost will have to undergo trials of various kinds.  It does not mean that our calling was in vain.  When we go through whatever we go through, we will wax stronger.  God surely knows all of us even before we were formed.  He has sanctified us and ordained us to work for Him.  How can we ever let Him down?

So let’s gear up and like Jeremiah say, “though sorrow may last through the night, joy will come in the morning.”  God’s mercies are new every morning.  Let’s expect to have a fresh start everyday because the One who called us and ordained us is faithful.


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    19 Dec 2019 06:11:07 Reply

    Yes indeed I am chosen from my mother’s womb. Surely we are all chosen from our Lord Jesus. For a great purpose, a great plan to fulfill in our life’s journey. Let us give thanks to Him for His Compassion, mercy, sacrificial love and life that He has given to all of us. Let every young and old ,whatever adverse/favorable situations we going through let’s cling on to Him. Let His will be done let our Lord Jesus Christ’s kingdom come let He reigns over us now and forevermore. Hallelujah Amen. Mathew 6.33

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