God knew you before anyone did


Jeremiah 1:5:  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

God knew us even before we were formed in our mother’s belly.  This part of the scripture is true for all of us, but the second portion is applicable specifically for Jeremiah to be a prophet for the nations.  He was sanctified and ordained to be God’s prophet.  Of course, everyone of us have a purpose on earth and that is why we are born.

God knew our weakness, our strengths, our talents, our abilities before we knew it.  God knew every detail of our’s.  He so perfected His plan for us to have a life that He wants us to have.  Our path on earth is not as easy as it sounds.  It is filled with tears and pain and constant fear of the future.  Yet in all these, God still has a perfect plan for us provided we yield ourselves to His will.  Jeremiah, though He was a prophet did not have an easy life.  He went through lot of oppression and mockery from his people.  God gave him the courage to be the one that He wanted him to be.  Didn’t God know that Jeremiah would go through all that in his life?  Of course, God knew but He still enabled him to remain humble and do the work that he was called to do.

We have to understand that God’s ways and plans are much higher than our’s.  Let us be available to Him to do what He wants us to do.


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