Prudence in Prayer


And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.(KJV) John 14:13

The above verse stresses on the fact that Jesus is the Christ, The Son of God and whosoever believes in Him will have everlasting life.

It further unfolds the relationship between our Father in heaven and Christ our Lord.  In the above verse, Jesus Christ promises that every prayer that glorifies the father through the Son and is asked in His mighty name will be answered.

This reveals the importance of praying with the awareness of Christ Jesus. As children of God we are expected to pray with a sense of responsibility and in accordance with the will of God. God is sovereign over each one of us and His will is perfect for our lives.

Jesus affirms that He will honor every request made in His name and for the glory of the Father. He encourages us to pray, and He instructs us on how to pray.  Real prayers are communion with God.  We must always remember that prayers are not instructing God, but a humble expression of our needs and dependency upon Him.

Let us therefore be encouraged to make genuine prayers in His holy name and whatever we ask for in prayer must glorify our Father in heaven for it to be heard.


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