Life will no longer be UNFAIR!


Hebrews 6:10

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

Loretta began to open her increment letter expectantly. She had put in her best this year and her manager had also made a note of this during her performance review. But when she saw the numbers, her heart sank. Though disappointed, she reminded herself, “My Holy Father is not unfair, He will not forget the efforts that I’ve made, for His Word says whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as unto the Lord, rather than for men and you WILL receive an inheritance.” She clung onto that promise confident of the faithfulness of the Lord. The Lord was fully aware of how she would continually encourage the brokenhearted, comfort the hurting and help those who were needy. She taught her children the Word of the Lord whenever she could. She was fruitful where she was placed.

This is work-being diligent and productive where the Lord has planted you-in your home, in your society, in your workspace, in your relationships. When it comes to the disciples of Christ, He says, “If anyone EVEN GIVES A CUP OF WATER to them, that person will certainly not lose their reward and as you have done to the least of these, you have done unto me.”

Every little thing that we do is accounted for in the heavens. There probably are things we’ve done to bless others in little ways, yet, the Lord is mindful of every little action where you have blessed someone.”

The Bible says, “the Lord is JUST.” That means He will ENSURE you will get what you deserve because HE is responsible for it. He takes it on Himself saying that your work WILL BE REMEMBERED and REWARDED!

What an awesome God to serve. Praise be to the Most High who considers even our little acts of love worth being rewarded. Dear Lord, we bring our hearts before you and ask that you would check the motives of our hearts. Let us serve all those you’ve placed in our lives wholeheartedly with the love that flows from you. May we be motivated by your pure love and love alone and not be compelled by what we can get out of it. In Jesus’ Name, we ask! Amen!


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