Light of the World


Matthew 5:14–“You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill cannot be hidden.”

These days when I open the newspaper or watch the news I feel utterly dejected and upset. Couple that with hopelessness and we have the effect of what many a nonbeliever feels after going through the same kind of news.

What makes us different? We have hope. We know the Light of this world – someone who has won our battles, who is always behind us to protect us, always before us to guide us, and always beside us in everything we go through, if we allow Him. We must bring this light to others and not keep this as our secret. Just as a city atop a hill cannot be hidden, so also our light must not be hidden. It must shine through the darkness of this world.  Our light must shine like on a light stand – by being generous with our lives, by opening our house to others, by opening up to others and  prompting people to open up with God. We must encourage others and bring out the God-colors in the world.

Father God, today I need your help and wisdom to discern which people need help around me. I want to reach out and encourage them through your heart of compassion. Use me mightily to shine Your Light in this world that others may see You through my words and deeds. In Jesus name I pray… Amen.
