Lips that Praise


Psalm 63:3 – “Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.”

The dictionary defines praise as, “an expression of respect and gratitude”. When we praise someone who’s done something exceptionally well, we always use our words. We acknowledge their contribution and convey our appreciation verbally. While we don’t hesitate to praise people aloud, our praise to God is often muted.

We may have worship songs running through our minds all day, but do they actually make it out our lips? Our hearts may be bursting with gratitude, but our thanksgiving to God is often just a silent thank you. While it’s not possible to always open our mouths and praise God publicly during the day, we can very well do it in the privacy of our homes. Just like David did in the Psalms, choose to open your mouth and give God praise on a daily basis.

Having a bad day and can’t think of anything to thank God for? Well, you can still praise Him because He loves you. God’s love towards you is steadfast, unchanging and never ending. He loves and cares for you more than anybody else ever could. And because of that love, you can hope for a better tomorrow. Choose to let your lips praise God, irrespective of your circumstances.