Rooted in God’s word


Psalm 1:3:  And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Anybody who fears the Lord and meditates on God’s word day and night is compared to a tree that is planted by the water.  Trees that are planted by the river side generally never go dry.  They are full of life and vigor and fruitful.  They look prosperous and rich because of where their roots are.

The psalmist makes a comparison here of those people whose lives are constantly in God, breathing in and out His word or feeding upon or meditating His word.  God’s word acts as a lamp and a light.  It acts as a guide or a teaching manual to one’s life.  When we are stranded in the crossroads of life, the best guide to redirect our path is God’s word.  If we try and make a deliberate attempt to honour God’s word by reading and obeying what is written, our lives also will be so full of life and vigour.  Whatever we set our hands on will be successful.  We shall be productive in all areas of our life.  We shall never go dry.  Our efforts will never go unnoticed.  God will honour everything that we do just because we take time to honour His word.

Learn to read and meditate God’s word to be like a healthy tree.  Just like how the tree sends out its roots deeply into the riverbed, let us also be firmly rooted in the word of God so that everyone who sees us will know and understand that God is the one who is making us green and fertile or in other words prosperous and blessed.
