The Promise of Peace


Isaiah 54:10 – “For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has mercy on you.”

When you look at a mountain, what do you see? Something huge, immovable, majestic and mighty? Some look at a mountain as a challenge to conquer; for others, it seems insurmountable. But even the biggest mountain is susceptible to erosion. Over the years, people have bored tunnels through many mountains and flattened hills worldwide.

In today’s verse God gives us a beautiful promise – even if the mountains crumble and the hills are razed, God’s kindness will not depart from His children. God has given us a promise of peace through the Lord Jesus Christ. That is our inheritance – a life characterized by a peace that surpasses all understanding, no matter the storms that surround us. When a mighty storm arose, the disciples were panicking, but the Lord Jesus was asleep. It took Him just a moment to calm the storm and restore peace on the boat.

If you have given the Lord complete control over your life, you are a recipient of His covenant of peace. Don’t let the trials and challenges of your life intimidate you. You don’t have to be afraid of anything when the Lord is on your side. Trust in the Lord and allow His peace to flood your soul. He will rescue you and surround you with His mercy.


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