Allow the Word to counsel you


Psalm‬ ‭119‬:‭23, 24‬ – “Even though princes sit plotting against me, your servant will meditate on your statutes. Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.”

Going through a trial is difficult in itself, but it’s worse when you have to withstand it alone. There may be personal issues in your life you are not at liberty to discuss with even your closest friends. Even if you do happen to share your struggles with others, they may not fully understand the intensity of your problem. But there is Someone who understands… Someone who doesn’t want you to deal with it alone… Someone who wants to walk the dark valley along with you.

God wants you to turn to Him with the issues that consume you day and night. He’s always awake, waiting to hear from you. Anxious thoughts can only cause you more harm. But if you turn to God in prayer, He hears you and He will answer you. The Psalmist reminds us that God’s Word is our counselor. And Jesus Himself said that the Holy Spirit will be our counselor, and will teach us all things.

The next time you are consumed with worry, turn to Jesus. Open your Bible and fill yourself with the life giving words that God wants to speak into your heart. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you and teach you how to respond in your situation. When you do, you will find that God will provide a creative way out of your problem. He will bring you out through the struggle, more strengthened and at peace than ever before.