The Great I Am


Isaiah 25:4  – “Thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat…”

When God introduced Himself to Moses as “I Am”, in the Old Testament, He sealed how we view His identity, for now and for eternity. In today’s verse, we see that God is everything we need Him to be.

He is a Stronghold to the helpless.
He is Strength to those in distress.
He is a Refuge for those caught in the storms of life.
He is a Shadow for in the heat of battle.
He is Health to the sick.
He is Wisdom to the simple.
He is Provision to the needy.
He is Protection for the defenceless.
He is a Guide to those who are lost.

He is everything you need, the only One who can truly satisfy.

No matter what you may be lacking today, be assured that you will find it in Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. You only need to seek Him and you will never be in want.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for being the Great “I Am”. You are all I need. As I seek You, reveal Yourself to me. I will forever praise You for who You are and all You’ve done. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.